Every high school student wants to get their first part time job. Not for the loss of freedom, but more for the feeling of maturity and most importantly... money! I've created a list out of tips and suggestions that I have heard over the past few years, hopefully they help out a little.

1.) What are your limits? Before you begin your search for available jobs set yourself some boundaries. Make sure that you don't put yourself into an environment where you feel uncomfortable. For example, if you have a fear of heights and aren't very social then don't apply for a Door-to-Door house painter.

2.) Don't set your standards to high. If the only jobs available are in a fast-food parlor filling burgers, well I would take it. As long as you're fine with that type of job I'd take it. A lot of the time, you must start low and then work your way up gaining experience. Don't expect major opportunities to come knocking at your door.

3.) Have a back-up plan. Submit your resume in more than one location, it will definitely increase your odds of receiving the position. Even if you don't hear back for an interview don't give up. Keep a positive set of mind and continue on!

4.) Be confident and friendly.  When you're handing in your resume/application it will be nerve-racking. First impressions always count so be as social as possible even if you're shy and be positive. Here's a suggestion that you could say, "Hi, I would like to drop off a resume. Is there a manager in that I could give this to?". I highly recommend not walking saying here you go and walking out.

Now this is where I have to end the list of tips for the moment. The reality is that I still haven't got my first job yet. I got a little worried and disappointed at first when none of the first jobs called nor email, nor any response. However I've been talking to other people, getting more suggestions and applied for a few other jobs.

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