First off I'd like to mention that I hate all Tim Burton movie! They are all creepy and messed up and just not normal. I refuse to watch any of his movies but was dared to watch this one. I don't understand how this movie is for kids! The strange stop motion animation and the sad and dark colours just make it unbearable for me. This movie is not normal at all with the whole concept of the creepy second dimension mom of Coraline trying to sew buttons onto her eyes. Ever since a kid, I hated Tim Burton style movies. I think it runs in the family because no one in my house enjoys one of his movies and always gets chills seeing a preview of the movies. They are simply just true nightmares brought to life! I recommend to burn, bury, or destroy any movies by Tim Burton that may be in your house. They are not meant for kids, teenagers, nor adults! I am getting spooked out thinking about the movie. I just pray that Tim Burton stops making creepy movies and that I can have nightmare free dreams for the rest of my life!

This movie deserves a  0 / 10  I would rate it lower if it was possible!

ur mom
10/23/2013 09:53:34 am

i'm going to stab you coraline was the best. i rate YOU 0/10. would not recommend YOU.

11/20/2013 11:55:53 pm

That's so Alan!


Leave a Reply.

    These are just my opinions on movies. Most likely everyone thinks differently and may agree or disagree with my thoughts. I'd be happy to read other point of views and opinions that you might have on  a movie I reviewed.

    Review Intro

    I had trouble at first trying to decide what topic to base my blog on. And then I thought to myself; what do I spend a lot of my time doing? Answer: Watching movies! I love all sorts of movie genres, action, comedy, fantasy, but my favourite type of movie is horror. I enjoy the thrill and rush of a horror movie especially when something jumps out unexpectedly,  which is the part that most people strongly hate. But everyone is different!
    After finishing a movie, I either liked it a lot or hated it. Most of the time I like the movies I watched but sometimes there are just some terrible movies.

    So here is my critic/review on some of the movies that I have watched in the past!

    I will rated each movie on a scale of 1 to 10


    April 2013
    February 2013

