My good friend Sam had her last day at school today before she packs up and leaves to Newfoundland. I've been to Newfoundland once before and it's truly a spectacular place. Huge rock masses overlooking the endless ocean, beautiful coves and bays surrounded by ecstatic mountains and sharp cliffs. So yes, I'm a little jealous that she gets to wake up every morning to the breathe taking sights. But still, it's Newfoundland! So far away!  It's the equivalent of about 50 Boston Marathons away, or around 4,200,000 steps to walk there. It really sucks. I started to truly get to know Sam this grade 10 year mostly because of Drama and then we started to talk more in other classes. I'm really going to miss her. There won't be anyone to quietly say 'Bless you' after each of some ones sneeze, or hear another opinion on the latest Pretty Little Liars episodes.
I hope she loves every new experience that Newfoundland throws her way and I know that she'll do awesome in life because she's such a bright and smart girl.
I don't want to say goodbye, I'd prefer to say see you soon because I hope that we bump into each other later on in life!

Here's a link to Sam's blog ---- http://samantharubia.weebly.com/index.html 

3/26/2013 09:30:20 am

Oh Paul, thank you. That was really sweet, and I appreciate that you took the time to write it. I will miss you too!!


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