    I was walking down the street, saw a nice car, smashed the window then hot wired it, currently I'm making my way to Vegas driving 200 km/h.

    Yeah no, that's probably the complete opposite of what happened. My dad drove me down to the parking lot of the school by my house and then we switched seats. I passed my G1 written test last week so I knew all of the rules and correct signs for driving. Except, once you're actually sitting in front of the steering wheel, all that knowledge wasn't that useful. I first started off very slow (and when I say very slow I mean like a snail could of beat me in a race). It was such a weird feeling to actually be controlling the car. For like the first minute, I had the biggest smile on my face because I felt so proud. Then all of a sudden I realized that it's not just some walk in the park, I had to deal with signalling my turns, spinning the wheeling around, figuring out which pedal does what and how hard I should press it. My smile quickly faded and I was starting to get stressed out about everything. My heart was pounding so hard. I am an adrenaline junkie; I love roller coasters, high buildings, scary movies, but this was a whole new level.
    After a while I started to get the hang of it and began to drive in a smoother motion instead of all the stop and go actions. I even once made it to 20 km/h, but that I like warp speed for me. I do feel better about my driving, my dad and I will keep working on my skills. It's going to definitely take time for me to work my way up and learn new skills.  Slow and Steady

4/29/2013 10:57:08 pm

I liked the detail you included in it, and how you felt! This is exactly how I felt when I first started driving! Keep up the good work!

4/29/2013 10:58:42 pm

XD well done. This is the first blog that I've seen done on the scary world that is driving. I can definitley relate... Heck, I messed up on parking, and left huge tire tracks across our lawn... Please, don't judge...

4/29/2013 10:59:49 pm

Wow, lucky! I can't drive just yet and to be honest, I'm a little scared. Great blog, very relatable to many people.

4/29/2013 11:04:46 pm

Hahaha the opening story was intriguing. I toltally understand how you feel its been 2 months since i got my G1 im used to it mow but i was all over the road at first!

Eric Wilson
5/3/2013 12:35:47 am

Driving for the first time is definitely a scary feeling. I write my G1 test in a couple months but I have driven my moms car a few times up at my cottage and I think she was more scared than I was. Good luck with the driving if your interested in cars check out my blog I go to GRCI.


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