GCI had our second Coffee House this year. In case anyone is not familiar with the term Coffee House, it's basically just a talent show where we sell coffee. They are pretty popular at our school because we have a lot of students with amazing talents.
This Coffee House was special. All of the money raised went to three girls from my school, whom are going to Kenya this summer. And those girls just happen to be three really good friends of mine. They are traveling all the way over to Africa for three weeks to build a school. I was a little.. very jealous when they first told my about their trip. I was all upset because I really wanted to go as well. But then I realized that I can either be a bad friend and just mope around or I could be a supportive friend and help out. I chose the supportive side. I've donated money, helped with fundraising activities and a few other things and it has actually been  a lot of fun. I know that I don't get to voyage across the world, but at least I can proudly have my friends go!

Coffee Houses are usually a popular occasion, mostly because they don't happen to often in a school year. But also because you get to see a bunch of amazing music abilities that students have. Almost all of the performers are singing with a guitar or piano. Except occasionally some people might do stand up comedy or simply embarrass themselves on purpose. I wish that I could participate in a Coffee House one day, except I have no talent. My singing sounds like a dying cat, the best instrument that I could play would probably by the recorder or maybe the triangle because it seems easiest. Also I turn bright red when I'm standing in front of an audience. Even though I know I'll probably never perform, it's still a lot of fun to go and support the brave ones that go up.

My friends ended up raising a good amount of money, partly because there was a huge bake sale. I know that they will have a great time on their trip. I hope that my school continues to support other students in the school to help them make a difference in the world!

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